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Open Call for 2017 Fellowship Applications

The Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS is presently recruiting Senior and Junior levels researchers in the framework of its newly established Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes Avancées Franco-Japonais de Paris, CEAFJP ;

The CEAFJP is a research and exchange platform coordinated by the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS, and located in Paris, France. The Centre is aimed at supporting researchers who wish to spend between 6 and 12 months in Paris, and to benefit from the excellent work conditions and from academic exchange with our international colleagues in Europe.

This call for applications concerns the five following thematic fellowships: 

  1. Banque de France fellowship “Macroeconomics and Economic Policy: Which Lessons from the Japanese Experience?” (
  2. Michelin fellowship: “Public Innovation Policies in Japan” (
  3.  Renault fellowship: “Uses of the Automobile and New Mobility Services in Japan, in Korea and in Europe” (
  4. Valeo fellowship: “Innovative Technologies for a Sustainable Mobility” (
  5. Air Liquide fellowship: “Dietary Habits and their Sanitary and Environmental Impacts” (

The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2016, 12 a.m. (GMT). Applications are submitted by email via

The appointed Fellow will take up the post on 1 January 2017 or at a date to be agreed.

We also accept applications from Junior candidates applying for other fields or other themes of research for academic fundings on a competitive basis with the support of the following organisations ( :

  1. Research in Paris for Junior researchers (deadline: late March 2016)
  2. AXA research fund for Junior researchers (next campaign will open in October 2016)

For further information on the CEAFJP and on how to apply to these fellowship programs, please visit the website of the Centre ( Further particulars and details of the fellowship may be asked directly by email to Mr. Ken Daimaru (

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jacqueline Nivard (13 février 2016). Open Call for 2017 Fellowship Applications. Carnets de l'UMR Chine, Corée, Japon. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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