Brazilian schools in Japan in the 2000s / Unpaid Labor in Variegated Welfare Capitalism
La Fondation France-Japon a annoncé deux nouveaux intervenants dans le cadre du séminaire “Capitalism, Welfare Regime and Intimate Sphere: Theory of Human Reproduction in Mature Societies in Europe and East Asia” qui aura lieu à l’EHESS demain.
Brazilian schools in Japan in the 2000s: articulation between the working-class world and the domestic sphere
Intervenant : Guénolé Marchadour (CNAM)
The presentation focuses on the work-life issues from a case study in contemporary Japan. The development of Brazilian schools in the 2000s relates to new immigration issues in the Japanese society and to changes in the labor market. Most studies address these Brazilian schools through a cultural differences approach. However, few researches have connected their development with the (unequal) division of domestic work within migrant families and with the institutional support for childcare in Japan. The continuing gendered division between the domestic sphere and the labor world in Japan currently resulted in an occupational status division, which separated the conditions of part-timer (mainly women) from those of full-timer. I will present how the Brazilian female migrants, who are recruited as full-time workers in the industrial factories, mobilize the community networks, including the Brazilian schools, for facing the double burden of paid employment and domestic work.
Unpaid Labor in Variegated Welfare Capitalism
Intervenant : Karen Shire (University of Duisburg-Essen)
The talk begins with a critique of the varieties of capitalism approach (VOC) from the perspective of comparative historical sociology, recent theories of global capitalism, feminist critiques of social welfare research and the gendered division of labor in paid and unpaid labor. Reproductive labor has always been a blind spot in comparative studies, yet the degree to which political economy and welfare studies have ignored the role of unpaid labor becomes evident as policies in advanced economies turn from incentives for women to orient their life courses toward unpaid labor in the home, to encouraging higher female labor force participation and moving reproductive labor into market relations. Demographic and political changes, especially in the central cases of “coordinated market economies” have brought policies for shifting unpaid labor to the market to the foreground of family and social policies. With a focus on Europe and East Asia, the talk will discuss how the shift from unpaid work to markets for domestic and care work are re-shaping family, welfare and employment policies in cross-national and world regional comparisons. The talk ends by making a case for variegated rather than varieties of capitalist political economies and world regional over and above national comparisons of reproductive labor in comparative capitalisms.
Mardi 22 mars 2016, 14h-18h
EHESS, salle 640 (190 Avenue de France 75013 Paris, 6ème étage)
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Aurélia Martin (21 mars 2016). Brazilian schools in Japan in the 2000s / Unpaid Labor in Variegated Welfare Capitalism. Carnets de l'UMR Chine, Corée, Japon. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse